Homophobia– Concern about homosexuality or of becoming homosexual

Homophobia– Concern about homosexuality or of becoming homosexual

Heterophobia– Fear of the alternative intercourse

Galeophobia otherwise Gatophobia– Concern with pets. Gamophobia– Anxiety about marriage. Geliophobia– Concern about humor. Gelotophobia– Anxiety about are chuckled from the. Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia otherwise Gephysrophobia– Anxiety about crossing bridges.. Gerascophobia– Concern with growing old. Gerontophobia– Concern with dated some body otherwise from growing older. Glossophobia– Concern with speaking in public or when trying to dicuss. Gnosiophobia– Anxiety about education. Graphophobia– Fear of composing or handwriting. Gymnophobia– Fear of nudity. Gynephobia or Gynophobia– Anxiety about lady.

Hadephobia– Fear of hell. Hagiophobia– Concern with saints or holy anything. Hamartophobia– Fear of sinning. Haphephobia or Haptephobia– Fear of getting handled. Harpaxophobia– Concern with getting robbed. Hedonophobia– Concern with feeling pleasure. Helminthophobia– Concern with becoming plagued that have worms. Hemophobia otherwise Hemaphobia otherwise Hematophobia– Anxiety about blood. Herpetophobia– Concern about reptiles otherwise weird, crawly things. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Concern with the amount 666. Hierophobia– Anxiety about priests otherwise sacred things. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Concern about a lot of time terminology. Hobophobia– Concern about bums otherwise beggars. Homilophobia– Concern with sermons. Hominophobia– Anxiety about guys. Hoplophobia– Anxiety about firearms. Hydrophobophobia– Concern about rabies. Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia– Concern about mug. Hygrophobia– Concern about liquid, water, otherwise dampness. Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia– Anxiety about responsibility. Hypnophobia– Concern about bed otherwise of being hypnotized. Hypsiphobia– Concern about top.

Iatrophobia– Fear of going to the doc otherwise of doctors. Ichthyophobia– Concern with fish. Ideophobia– Fear of ideas. Illyngophobia– Concern about vertigo or impact dizzy while looking off. Iophobia– Anxiety about poison. Insectophobia – Concern about insects. Isolophobia- Anxiety about solitude, are alone. Isopterophobia– Concern with termites, insects one consume wood. Ithyphallophobia– Concern about watching, considering or which have an erect dick.

Genophobia– Fear of intercourse

. Kakorrhaphiophobia– Concern with inability otherwise defeat. Katagelophobia– Concern about ridicule. Kathisophobia– Anxiety about relaxing. Katsaridaphobia– Anxiety about cockroaches. Kleptophobia- Concern about stealing. Kolpophobia- Anxiety about vagina, like female. Kopophobia– Concern about tiredness. Koniophobia– Anxiety about soil. (Amathophobia) Kosmikophobia– Concern about cosmic phenomenon. Kynophobia- Concern with rabies.

Lachanophobia– Anxiety about vegetables. Laliophobia otherwise Lalophobia– Fear of talking. Leprophobia or Lepraphobia– Concern with leprosy.. Ligyrophobia– Anxiety about noisy noise. Lilapsophobia– Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes. Limnophobia– Concern with lakes. Linonophobia– Fear of string. Liticaphobia– Concern with litigation. Lockiophobia– Anxiety about childbearing. Logizomechanophobia– Anxiety about hosts. Logophobia– Anxiety about words. Luiphobia– Anxiety about syphillis. Lygophobia– Anxiety about darkness. Lyssophobia– Concern with rabies otherwise of becoming angry

Macrophobia– Concern with much time waits. Mageirocophobia– Anxiety about cooking. Maieusiophobia- Fear of childbirth. Malaxophobia– Concern about love enjoy. Maniaphobia– Fear of insanity. Mastigophobia– Concern about punishment. Mechanophobia– Anxiety about hosts. Medomalacuphobia– Anxiety about dropping a hardon. Medorthophobia– Concern with an upright manhood. Megalophobia– Anxiety about higher one thing. Melissophobia– Anxiety about bees.. Melophobia– Concern otherwise hatred regarding audio. Meningitophobia– Fear of brain state. Menophobia– Anxiety about menstruation. Merinthophobia– Concern with getting bound otherwise tied. Metallophobia– Fear of steel. Metathesiophobia– Fear of transform. Meteorophobia- Anxiety about meteors. Methyphobia– Fear of alcoholic beverages. Microbiophobia– Fear of microbes. (Bacillophobia) Microphobia– Concern with little things. Misophobia otherwise Mysophobia– Concern about becoming contaminated that have dirt otherwise micro-organisms. Mnemophobia– Concern about thoughts escort girls in Shreveport. Molysmophobia otherwise Molysomophobia– Fear of dirt otherwise pollution. Monophobia– Anxiety about solitude or becoming by yourself. Monopathophobia– Concern with specified state. Motorphobia- Concern about automobiles. Musophobia otherwise Muriphobia– Anxiety about rats. Myctophobia– Concern about darkness. Myrmecophobia– Anxiety about ants. Mythophobia– Fear of mythology otherwise stories otherwise not true comments. Myxophobia- Concern about slime. Necrophobia– Concern with demise or dry some thing. Neopharmaphobia– Concern about the latest medicines.. Noctiphobia– Concern with the night time. Nomatophobia– Concern about labels. Nosocomephobia– Concern with healthcare facilities. Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia– Anxiety about getting unwell. Nostophobia– Fear of coming back domestic. Nudophobia– Anxiety about nudity. Numerophobia– Anxiety about wide variety. Nyctohylophobia– Concern with dark wooded areas or from forests in the evening Nyctophobia– Concern with this new dark otherwise from nights.

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